Monday, February 27, 2012

Back to Math

So, way back in September when I started this blog, I focused on small math groups and how I would operate them.  Now is time for some reflection:
  • They are only as good as you are prepared.  If you don't have a GREAT, SHORT lesson, it isn't valuable.
  • Only one hour for small math groups is not enough time to do it right.  My math is one hour - we start at 9:15 and go to special at 10:15.  Due to my inclusion students who leave after special, I cannot get back to math.  I have a block the last half hour, but it is really hard to get back into the math rotations groove, so I choose to do math remediation at that time.
  • To be effective, you SHOULD do a minilesson before you break into small groups.  I try, but am not successful, and I think it would have a big impact on my lessons.
  • Change up your groups every now and then.  I changed at semester and it has been helpful.
  • Something I need to be better at is varying the rotations that aren't with me.
What I would like to do in the future:
  • Utilize my smartboard more for games/activites for students to do in their group.
  • Allow more choice in the centers.  (I have two independent - fact fluency and skill review)
  • Have SuccessMaker be 12 minutes instead of 15 minutes.  (This is a computer program purchased by out corporation.  You can change the time, but our corp. is mandates 15 minutes.)
  • Have time built in to go over previous night's homework.

1 comment:

  1. Hi :) Congrats you won my little giveaway :)

    Email me at and I'll send you the mini lesson for text structure.

    Thanks for coming by!!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen from...
    A Teacher's Treasure
    Teaching Treasures Shop
